The tale of Abu-Ayyub al-Masri and how it allowed the Osama tale to exist

May 10, 2011 § Leave a comment

The whole Osama bin Laden death story has been in the works for years. I can say this with much confidence based on the many lies that stream from the mass media and the countless ‘feeder’ stories which are released to the public. These stories are simply put out to see the reaction of Average Joe, to see if the public would notice any changes in the facts. If the masses do notice the obvious fallacies the story is killed off only to be released at a different time. If the changes in the story are accepted as fact with little to no opposition than it is safe to say another similar story will be released, a story that is likely to be 10 times greater of importance.

The ‘feeder’ story that allowed the Osama bin Laden raid story to exist was (in my opinion) the Abu Ayyub al- Masri tale. Ayyub al- Masri was apparently a high-ranking official in the Al- Qaeda branch in Iraq where he was an expert in explosives and was the reason there were so many road side bombs or something like that. The man could have simply never existed, the similarities with his tale to that of Osama are interesting.

In both instances both men are reported dead at a given time only to resurrected and killed again. In both instances both men are simply just suspects with no hard evidence linking them to any terrorist activities. In both cases four dead men and some women are found in the compound in which the suspect was hiding. In both cases “vital information that could destroy Al-Qaeda” are reportedly just siting in a room waiting to be used by American forces. Coincidence?

Abu Ayyub Tale of Resurrection

Reported dead in 2006

Dead again in 2007

Escaped prison in 2008 despite being killed

Killed yet again 2010

There was no uproar from the masses. No one seemed to care. The media outlets didn’t bother to say anything like
“What? Didn’t you already capture him after he was killed?!?”. The people soon forgot about this man with the funny name. He was a terrorist he deserved to die what did it matter if the story changed several times in such a short time. The ‘feeder’ story was a success, the masses were clueless and the Osama Death story would be born.

Yet another poor cover-up

May 3, 2011 § 2 Comments

Took almost 10 years to finally catch the world’s most wanted man. Let’s examine the circumstances of this latest cover up of the 21st century….

We should first examine the official story of this ‘amazing’ event. Most mass media outlets have been bawing the same story with little to no changes which is a pretty clear sign of who controls our beloved outlets of news. The story goes like this, Osama bin Laden was chilling in Pakistan in apparently a three-story building which had some barbed wire as some sort of security measure with some aides and his youngest wife. Anyway, the CIA having gathered such vital evidence leads a Navy Seal tactical team to go Rambo and capture this evil doer dead or alive. After a fierce firefight Osama and his aides (his wife was being used as a human shield) were all killed, the Navy Seals do some DNA testing to ensure this is the man who was the mastermind behind 9/11,suddenly care about Islamic traditions and bury the body in the sea.

Wow, what a load of shit. This is the official story. This is the story we are all suppose to swallow up. The whole story is just so conveiniant and burying the body in the sea just shows how stupid the world powers think we all are.

Other problems?

How about the fact Osama Bin Laden was NEVER behind 9/11. You would think someone who put so much effort to pull off 9/11  would boast about such an achievement. Osama bin Laden never admitted he was the mastermind, hell he denied it.

In a statement issued to the Arabic satellite channel Al Jazeera, based in Qatar, bin Laden said, “The U.S. government has consistently blamed me for being behind every occasion its enemies attack it.

“I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons,” bin Laden’s statement said.

“I have been living in the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan and following its leaders’ rules. The current leader does not allow me to exercise such operations,” bin Laden said.

Thank you

Osama bin Laden wasnt even considered a prime suspect at the time, Dick Cheney the vice president at the time also denied the involvement of  Osama Bin Laden…..

Furthermore, didn’t Osama bin Laden already die way back in 2001?!?! The man was facing severe kidney problem and living in a war-torn country like Afghanistan wasnt going to make things easier.

Fox news reports the death of Osama bin Laden in 2001,2933,41576,00.html

The man died way back in 2001, all those “audio tapes” were simple tricks to keep the proles in check and continue this “War on Terrorism”. This sudden death of Osama bin Laden is another cover up (a poor one to add to that) and should be simply ignored.

Oh, as for the pictures of Osama bin Laden circulating the web.. A picture is worth a thousand words

It is essential that we do not simply swallow all the bullshit they are trying to shove down our throats. Open your damn eyes and question what the bloody news outlets are trying to force feed you.

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